Regarding Yocan Evolve Plus 5 times flashing issue

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Regarding Yocan Evolve Plus 5 times flashing issue

Post by Yocan » Fri Jul 10, 2020 5:53 pm

Some fans ask Regarding Yocan Evolve Plus 5 times flashing question, read on and find out how to fix this issue.

Here is his/her question:
I've now bought 4 youcan evolve plus vapes in the past year, and all 4 have now shown a 5x blinking light and refuse to work. I've only used evolve coils with them and I'm very frustrated with Youcan's poor product quality. Is there any way these vapes can be rehabilitated?

First of all, please check the atomizer contact points, try to use q-tip clean it.
Then re-install the atomizer, make sure all parts are firmly connected.

If your device still can't work, please contact the shop you bought it from.

Any time, any place, happy vaping with Yocan.

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