how long does weed stay in your system urine test

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how long does weed stay in your system urine test

Post by smoking » Thu Oct 06, 2022 4:23 pm

How long does weed stay in my system?

Single Use: If you are an occasional smoker, weed will be detected in your urine 3 days following your last use. To get a negative result, you must get a test done at least after five days.
Moderate Use: If you smoke weed at least four times a week, a urine test will detect it 5-7 days following your last use.
Chronic Use: If you smoke every day, a urine test will detect it 10-15 days following your last use.
Chronic Heavy Use: If you take weed multiple times per day, a urine test will be able to detect it up to 30 days following your last use.


Related topic:
How long do you need to be clean to pass a urine drug test?
Stimulants including cocaine, meth, and ADHD medications are detectable for about 2 or 3 days. Benzodiazepines and MDMA generally flag a urine test for up to 4 days after last dose. Marijuana stays in the system a bit longer, with amounts being detectable for between 1 and 7 days after last use. Source: this link

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