Yocan Evolve Plus XL Battery Can't Turn On

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Yocan Evolve Plus XL Battery Can't Turn On

Post by Yocan » Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:41 pm

Here is a question about YocanEvolve Plus XL Turn On .
Hey guys so I just got ahold of the tech people since my battery decides to charge but won't turn on, so I was wondering how can you help out since I've been enjoying the pen a lot but can no longer use due to this malfunction, please help me, I love your products and would love to keep using it in the future.
Yocan Evolve Plus XL battery sea blue version.jpg
Yocan Evolve Plus XL Battery
Yocan Evolve Plus XL battery sea blue version.jpg (23.56 KiB) Viewed 9383 times
First of all, please check the battery full charged or not?
If low battery status, please plug the cable comes with package.

Then, 5 taps to turn it on.
If the light flashing 10 times, indicated low battery, you have to charge your Evolve Plus XL device.

If flashing 3 time, please check the connection.
Try to unscrew all parts, ans clean the contact points, screw all parts again and make sure firmly connected.

If your device still can't turn on, please contact the shop you bought it from.
Or contact Yocan after-sale team.

Any further question, please comment below.
Have a nice day.

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