Yocan Evolve Plus can't charge issue

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Yocan Evolve Plus can't charge issue

Post by Yocan » Fri Jul 24, 2020 6:09 pm

Here is a Yocan fan ask how to fix Yocan Evolve Plus charge issue.
This fan told us that can't charge the device.
Below is detail about his question.
I plug my battery in to charge, it flashes red one time and is off again and stays off, ot only flashes red 1 second as soon as I plug it it, then is off again, I leave it on the charger for 3 hours and it never lights up but stays dead.

First of all, check the USB charge port is OK or not?
Sometimes the USB cable can't connect correct to charge the device.

And make sure it plug the USB comes with the device package. Once the device fully charged, the indicator light will shut off.

As for this fan situation, I think this device was die, please contact the shop.

Any time, any place, happy vaping with Yocan.

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