How to know the Yocan device fully charged?

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How to know the Yocan device fully charged?

Post by Yocan » Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:43 pm

Some Yocan fans how to charge their device.
Here is one of those question:

my Pen is on a charger and showing light of red which i am assuming is running out what color will show when it is fully charged? and also how long does a charge usually last.

As we know, most of Yocan Vaporizers have function the same way, just need to plug in the USB cable to charge it.

And the indicator light(s) will be shuts off once fully charge.

If your device comes with the screen, you should notice the battery status display on it.

So, How to know the Yocan device fully charged? Just have a glance the indicator light shuts off or not.

By the way, if your device indicator light shuts off when you plug the cable, and still can't turn it on.
Most of time, the device was die.
You have to contact the head shop you bought it from to claim your warranty.

Any time, any place, happy vaping with Yocan.

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