How to fix Yocan UNI Flashing 3 times?

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How to fix Yocan UNI Flashing 3 times?

Post by Yocan » Sun Jul 19, 2020 7:28 pm

Here is a question from one Yocan fan.
Hi I bought 2 uni vapes 6 months ago and they both stopped working about the same time. I can hit them once after a full change. Then the 3 lights flash green and doesn't hit. Is there something I can do or can I get replacements for them? Thank you

Yes, the flashing 3 times error means your battery occur short circuit.
Here is some tips for your reference.
1, Re-install all of your UNI parts, include adapter, cartridge.

2, If you have a brand new 510 cartridge, please try to use this new one.

3, Or you have to contact the shop you bought it from.

Any time, any place, happy vaping with Yocan.

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