Hold the Hit Fire Button can't get any smoke.

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Hold the Hit Fire Button can't get any smoke.

Post by Yocan » Sun Oct 25, 2020 8:52 pm

A Yocan Hit fan told us about no smoke issue.
Here is his or her question:
When l take my hits and it’s been quite a few never seen any smoke.

You have to check the Yocan Hit device turn on or not.
5 taps the fire button to turn it on/off.

Then check the chamber, make sure the dry herb loaded bottom of the Yocan Hit chamber.
Switch the vape mode(3 min/5 min), and you can see the temperature increase on the OLED screen.

Once the device vibrated, you can inhale it.

Any further question, please comment below.

Any time, any place, happy vaping with Yocan.

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