Can you bring your vape pen or e-cigarette on a plane?

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Can you bring your vape pen or e-cigarette on a plane?

Post by hhcvape »

The best way to travel with cannabis flower is to pack it in empty, opaque pill containers with a cotton ball on top. When I flew recently, I put about two grams of a Sativa in a vitamin container and about three grams of an indica in a melatonin bottle.

Can you bring your vape pen or e-cigarette on a plane?
Some airports, like Chicago’s O’Hare, offer cannabis amnesty boxes where travelers can ditch their weed before going through TSA. At Los Angeles International Airport, the LA Airport Police Division has “no jurisdiction to arrest individuals if they are complying with state law” while in possession of marijuana. But, the airport warns, TSA screening areas are still under federal jurisdiction – you may still have to ditch the weed, but you likely won’t be arrested.

Ultimately, as Dankers explains, “TSA’s focus is on terrorism and security threats to the aircraft and its passengers.”
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