40% off($17.99) for Eleaf iCard Kit vape device

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40% off($17.99) for Eleaf iCard Kit vape device

Post by vapingeleaf » Thu Dec 08, 2022 10:49 pm

40% off($17.99) for Eleaf iCard Kit vape device

Eleaf iCard features 15W 650mAh Output and an ultra thin and compact style, with the addition of a dual-purpose cover. It boasts an innovative refilling system where fill port can easily be accessed by unlocking the tank and rotating it, making refilling of an all-in-one faster and easier than ever.

By utilizing the eleaf ID coil 1.2ohm, the iCard is designed to provide a great vaping experience with enhanced flavor. You’ll know its battery level simply by checking the color of the LED. Offering brilliant functionality and great portability, the iCard is perfect for both new vapers and vapers looking for a solid backup.

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